Dental extractions are a normal and routine dental procedure. Though they have a bad rap to them they are extremely necessary in order to uphold specific dental hygiene.
Though dental extractions sound scary, it is actually quite common to have a tooth pulled for any number of reasons. Your dentist is well trained and experienced in removing teeth and caring for the area of gums surrounding the former tooth. Different patients are more prone to different dental treatments.
With proper healing steps, you can help reduce the pain and discomfort that comes from dental extractions. Necessary steps, like numbing or even “going under”, otherwise known as general anesthesia, might also be necessary for a more comfortable and successful experience. These dental providers are trained to provide as pleasant of an experience as they possibly can and they will do just that.
We will work with each individual patient through their personal symptoms and needs in order to come up with the best overall solution. This includes single-tooth extraction, all the way up to multiple teeth being pulled in one sitting. The patient’s comfort is one of the dentist’s top priorities and will always be taken into account before, during, and after each procedure. With this being said there is no reason to worry about the pain during the dental extraction. Here at Family Dentistry of Columbus, we care about YOU.
Patients often receive a consultation appointment, then book the dental extractions for a later date. This allows ample planning for healing, transportation plans, and more. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Polk or Dr. Parker during your consultation.
To schedule your dental extraction consult, contact us!